Welcome to the Hangar for tonight’s big game. Although the two teams aren’t geographically close there’s a lot made of the intensive rivalry against the Phantoms these days. Putting aside the rivalry for a second it’s a crucial game for both teams if their seasons are to extend past the penultimate weekend of March.
What has been good to see is the number of new faces at the Hangar of recent. Ok, it’s not had a massive impact as yet on our average attendance but it’s newbies through the door and it’s people to convert into new regular supporters.
Steve English has flyers which have the remainder of the season’s game on, if you’d like to take a few to hand to friends and colleagues etc. Given the closeness between teams 5-10 this season it’s going to be an exciting run in and the next few weeks will be great hockey to watch.
There’s no mistaking times are tough on the ice right now. We lost so many big players earlier in the year and with the signing deadline now passed there’ll be no more new guys coming in this year. Craig has done a fantastic job of gelling together a young team, and at the same time he has brought in some very exciting prospects. What is pleasing to see and hear is that the atmosphere at the Hangar is the best it’s been for a long time as everyone gets behind Craig and his team and I hope that upward trend continues along with the increasing attendance.
I’m pleased to see people taking part in our on-line and at game competitions as well. The #jetsfamily continues to thrive.
My team, your team, OUR TEAM