
I’ve always held a keen interest in the bits that glue radio together, the imaging. Any station can play any song but the thing that makes stations individual is the imaging together with the presenters. With a great amount of automation and “jukebox” radio these days the role of imaging becomes even more crucial in retaining listeners and creating a unique station sound.

Time 106.6 – A re-working of the existing station imaging for my Breakfast Show

Atom Radio – A selection of generic station imaging and Breakfast Show imaging voiced by Mark Chadwick and Katie Harvey

Pinoy Broadcast

Imaging for a start up station broadcasting to the Phillipines

Over the years I’ve self taught myself Adobe Audition with a view to creating, editing and manipulating audio. This has enabled me to create my own imaging which over the years I have used in my Live DJ sets but now taken to the next level.

When I took over the Time 106.6 Breakfast show I used the existing jingles (from IQ Beats),the existing station sweepers combined with elements from my own imaging FX library to create some bespoke Breakfast imaging including Top of the Hour jingles and post headline jingles. Also used songs and song stems to create other bespoke imaging to be used around other core features of the show.

At Asian Star I’ve produced some more bespoke breakfast imaging using the female voice of a station presenter to create intros for features and contact imaging with phone, text, email and twitter details for people to get in touch. With subtle voice manipulation in Adobe Audition other station presenters even asked me where I got the voice from!

When I decided to launch Atom Radio I made the decision to make the imaging in house. I knew the sound I wanted and sourced a male and female voice to record the scripts for the sweepers and mixed a selection and male, female and combined sweepers both dry and with FX. Generic station sweepers rotate daily with individual shows having their own sweepers. Following 6 months on air I decided to get a sung top of the hour jingle, ordered from Music Radio Creative. I remixed the ramp version and customised the ramp, slogan and shotgun versions for individual shows using the in-house voices.

I offer complete station sweeper packages and news in and top of the hour imaging.