Hey, welcome back to the Hangar for the start of the new season. It seems such a long time in coming around this year, probably because it is. 167 days have passed since our last game here at the Hangar and our first game against the Bees for the new season.
Speaking of our last home game I wonder whether Darius “Hand of God” Lelenas will ever gain the fame from his goal to cruelly end our season than Maradona did from his controversial World Cup goal. In truth I doubt it!
So I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer. For me it’s been a summer of cricket and a fantastic summer at that. England beat Sri Lanka 1-0, robbed of a greater victory score by the weather in that series and went on to win that one day series too. What followed can only be described as a great display of cricket by England to blow aside the world number 1 test team, beating India 4-0 and taking over as the World No.1 test match team. I can say happily that me and Rebecca were at the Oval and saw the presentation of not only the N-Power series trophy but also the handing over of the test mace to the World No.1 test team.
I’ve also had a great summer in that my Godson now has a little baby sister which makes me and Bex new Godparents again too. Aidan’s grown up so much now, can’t believe he’s now started year two at school already and he did tell me he wants to come and watch some ice hockey this season too!!
Finally, in Mid September, we’re starting the new ice hockey season. It does seem late to be honest but better late than never. Welcome to the Bracknell and Swindon supporters to these two games and also welcome back to the Jets faithful for a brand new season.
I hope you’ve all had great summers, I hope the Jets fans are ready to cheer out our new team for their first two games and clap and cheer your way through the games. Let’s start as we mean to go on, loud and proud.
My team, your team, OUR TEAM