Podcast Production + FREE Promotion

Elevate Your Podcast with Professional Production and Free Advertising Opportunity

Is your podcast struggling to stand out in its niche? Or are you just starting out on your podcasting journey? Do you possess remarkable content that deserves a wider audience? If the answer is yes, then I’m here to help. As an accomplished audio producer with a wealth of experience, I specialise in making podcasts shine in a crowded market through meticulous professional production.

My comprehensive production services encompass noise reduction, EQ, compression, basic editing to eliminate stumbles and filler words (advanced editing also available), and mastering to meet podcast loudness standards. Additionally, I offer bespoke podcast branding, providing you with a customized intro, outro, and midroll branding.

But that’s not all – I am excited to introduce a special offer! After you’ve crafted your content, had it professionally produced, and published it, let me assist you in promoting it effectively.

I am delighted to announce a unique opportunity in collaboration with Atom Radio, a prominent digital radio station. As part of our joint commitment to supporting and promoting independent content creators, Atom Radio is extending free advertising to my podcast production clients. This means your podcast can reach a broader audience by being featured on Atom Radio’s broadcast stream at no cost.

Given the surge in popularity of podcasting for entertainment and information, we understand the importance of championing the work of independent podcasters. Together with Atom Radio, we are providing complimentary advertising to help podcasters gain exposure and connect with a larger audience.

To take up this free advertising opportunity, simply reach out via email to podcasts@markdenholm.com. Atom Radio will promote your podcast by playing your podcast trailer (no more than 30 seconds, MP3, and at least 128kbps). Please note that for eligibility, podcasts must be suitable for all ages, and adult-only oriented content will not be accepted for free promotion, though it can still be produced.

Off load the production and let your creativity flow!

About Mark Denholm:
Mark is a seasoned audio producer with a track record of creating podcasts for clients and offering subcontracted services to audio companies.

Email: podcasts@markdenholm.com
Website: “https://markdenholm.com/podcasting/

About Atom Radio:
Atom Radio is a leading digital radio station based in Slough, offering a diverse range of rock and pop music from the 70s to today.

Email: info@atomradio.co.uk
Website: http://www.atomradio.co.uk/

Elevate your podcasting experience with professional production and seize the opportunity to promote your content to a wider audience.